Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Roark Stratagem

"Painting things
in black and white
is easy,"
the geriatric grumbled
ducking under the overhead bin.
If he didn't,
he would've hurt his head.
Or would he?
I don't know.
The consideration's too complex
for my cold mind
because I think things
like this:

The difference between a gem and e.g. y
is a matter of scope.
Put it in your mouth,
swish it around.
One tastes like sparkling water
the other, confusion.

"The morning sky
looks grey
every time I wake,"
the child complained
crawling under the covers.
If he didn't,
he would've observed the obvious.
Or would he?
I don't know.
The sight is too strange
for my simple eyes
because I see things
like this:

The difference between a gem and e.g. y
is a matter of scope.
Put it in your mouth,
swish it around.
One tastes like sparkling water
the other, confusion.

"The theme is repeated
because that's what it bares..."
I began.
"Where did that come from?"
She interrupted.
Standing, I smirked,
and turned away.
"Probably Bear Village,
how the hell do I know?"

I'm following the leader,
wherever I may go.


Anonymous said...

LOST - bear village. peter pan - follow the leader.

x said...

Is this poetry?