Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Midside: S4E12 There’s No Place Like Home Part 1

I don’t think we’re in the first four seasons anymore, Dorothy. When I first hear the phrase “there’s no place like home” I recall the oft-referenced (in LOST) Wizard of Oz in which it took on a positive meaning due to Dorothy’s childish affinity for home. I then think over what we’ve seen of the flashforwards so far and realize the ironic use of the title. Yes, there is no place like home (there is arguably no place like every place, as every place has unique elements), but in the Wizard of Oz getting home is a good thing and in LOST getting home is a bad thing. Of course, getting home could be a good thing. The island or Jacob or whoever could be manipulating the Oceanic Six to believe getting off the island is a bad thing.

There is not much to analyze and discuss in this week’s episode. The main reason for that condition is that this episode isn’t really a standalone episode. What we’re essentially getting when we combine this week’s episode with the following two parts of it (which will air in two weeks) is a 120 minute LOST movie. I would call it a made-for-TV movie, but that labeling would be redundant as LOST is always made-for-TV. Thus, analyzing the first 40 minutes without the following 80 would be fruitless. How do you understand what the exposition means without the conclusion? No, instead we have to wait for two weeks, letting Gay’s Anatomy have the timeslot next week.

Speaking of which, in this week’s Gay’s Anatomy we’re railing against fairytale. Apparently, they’re not real (Really? My world is shattered.) and we should try and live in reality. Also, the main character ended the episode talking to her psychiatrist again, this time stating, “So you thin I’m broken? Fix me.” Wow, it only took what, three seasons, to get to the point that you realize you’re a screw up? I’ll fix you. Here’s Jayemel’s four step plan to not being a Gay’s Anatomy screw up:

1. Stop Talking.
2. Do Something.
3. Respect Yourself.
4. Read The Midside.

Follow those four steps and you too can be as awesome as me, Sawyer, House, Jack Sparrow, and Jack Bauer. Let’s help you with step four, hmm?


-I liked the way the panel interview was done for the return of the Oceanic 6. Although, it was reminiscent of panels at media conventions that the writers have participated in. I wonder how much they drew on their experiences to create the scene. Also, I was really glad the one reporter asked the question about Kate being six months pregnant when the Marshal captured her and when she gave birth on the island. I suppose they could create that lie as the Marshall and Ray were the last two people to see her off the island, so there would be no record, but you have to wonder how many smart people realize that it’s ridiculous she would get pregnant while on the run and that she would be able to save people from a plane crash while six months pregnant. Also, we still need to find out who the other two who supposedly survived and then died are.

-Seeing the Oceanic Six interact off the island was actually quite enjoyable. The most touching part was Hurley’s party. Everyone was so pleasant there and Hurley’s father has truly turned the corner. It was awesome that he gave Hurley the car, the same car Hurley was driving in the season premiere. Then, we saw why the premiere was a Hurley episode. He is the one whose life begins to unravel first. Is it unraveling because it’s supposed to or because he’s letting it? Who knows. Locke and Ben would surely say it’s supposed to, but the destiny question is far from settled.

-It was kind of random that they had a memorial service for Jack’s dad so long after he died. I guess, with him dying and then the plane crash, his mother was just too stressed and probably didn’t want to hold a memorial service/funeral for her husband and her son. Still, part of me felt like the memorial service was just an excuse to have Claire’s mother confront Jack with the knowledge that Claire is his half sister. Which proves, by the way, that Jack was being extremely venomous with the line, “You’re not even related to him.” Now I wonder where the scenes in these flashforwards in relation to Kate’s trial. I’m guessing that since she is free and seems to be getting along with Jack, they are after the trial.

-I’m really glad they brought the actress who plays Nadia back. When they killed her off in Ben’s flashforward earlier this season, I thought we would never see the character again. That outcome would have been an injustice to the character and the storyline. And Sayid and Nadia looked happy and good together. Her death really reminds me that the writers are trying to twist the typical endgame of a show. Sayid finding and marrying Nadia seems like it should be the end of his story. But it’s not. She dies. What is the end of his story then?

-Probably the funniest part of the episode was when Kate and Jack ran into Sawyer in the jungle. No, it wasn’t funny when they started fighting. I’ll admit that it’s a tad bit funny that with all this danger around and having not seen each other for awhile the first thing they do is almost come to blows. What was ridiculous was how Kate somehow ended up with the baby and they ran away. “Uh, give the baby to the women and then RUN.” The situation only became more ridiculous from there too. Like a prop, Kate passed Aaron off to Sun, who wandered around the freighter alone. You would think that the lady with two babies would be the most important person on the whole island. Which I suppose is what the writers were going for with the whole “the freighter is the safest place to be right now…except for the ludicrous amounts of C4 on it!”

-What I’m most looking forward to finding out in the next eighty minutes is what happens to Juliet, Desmond, and Michael. Do they get off the island? If so, how is their return explained? Are they quietly reintroduced to society without fanfare? Speaking of eighty minutes, did anyone see 88 Minutes starring Al Pacino? It seemed like a decent premise.

-Thankfully, Richard and the Others are back. They’ve been chilling at the Temple all season and I’ve been wondering when we were going to see that location or them again. I was seriously hoping the writers weren’t just going to ignore them for the rest of the series. I don’t think it would have been possible for them to do so though. Amidst this apparent war between Widmore and Ben, the Others are surely a third group that confuse everything. Oh, and Richard is intriguingly immortal.


I apologize for my brevity this week. As explained earlier, there really isn’t much for me to say. Does my lack of a response mean the episode was bad? No, it wasn’t a real episode. It’s not meant to stand alone, so how can I wrote a complete stand alone column for it? I can’t. And if you disagree with that logic and think it’s just an excuse for me to be lazy, well then, there’s only one thing to say:

Shut up, you’re wrong.

Jayemel can be reached by email at

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